Do you love the challenge and want to understand how good you are?
You have the opportunity to do so on 15th and 16th October in the second edition of the Young Hackathon Night organized by the Fitstic foundation in collaboration with Alexide, Area S3 - Casa Bufalini, Netrising, DMA DigitalForBusiness and the Digital Innovation Hub Romagna of Confartigianato Federimpresa Cesena. This year will be a team digital marathon dedicated to fans of Coding, User Experience, Marketing and Communication, Cultural and Creative Industries!
3 challenges
24 hours available
1 solution to be developed
coach, mentors and industry experts available for help and advice
I know you would only participate for the sake of the challenge but you must know that there are also some nice prizes. And if you are also interested in the world of work, we can tell you that you have the right opportunity to get noticed. For example, Massimo Tamburini won the last edition today he works in the Alexide SolidRules team!
Discover more on younghackathonnight.it
Fill out the form or send us an email to info@solidrules.com. We will contact you to provide you all the solutions.