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Webinar SolidRules Desk

Webinar Desk

On November 8 at 2.30 pm our partner TECH-VALUE will organize a webinar on SolidRules®​ Desk, the company system. What will we talk about?

  • How to manage a bill of material with the same simplicity that comes from the Technical Office rather than an e-mail from a Customer;
  • How easy it is to anticipate the birth of problems thanks to the synergic management of projects, progresses, order folders;
  • How to effectively manage resources, calendars, deadlines and business opportunities;
  • The cycle that goes from the request of a product, passing through the offer and arriving to the order;
  • Assistance and Post-Sales;
  • A platform able to allow the management of documents concerning: security, certifications, quality but also commercial documents, budgets, etc...

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