Few but good 📬⚡

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We've always done it this way

We've always done it this way

To perform a job, the application of a strength is indispensable.

The strength you need to use is influenced by your skills, your collaborators, the tools you choose.

If you are making a huge effort it isn't necessarily so that you are doing a great job.

Simply maybe you did not choose the right team and maybe you are insisting in using the wrong tools.

Were you already aware of that but you worry even more about the investments that you should face to put your business in order?

Then keep reading because there are many good reasons to be optimistic:

The Industry 4.0 plan will also be renewed for 2018
The tax credit for research and development will still be strengthened
100 million euros have been allocated for the digitization of SMEs
There is a perfect tool to simplify, speed up and maximize your business. Obviously any reference to SolidRules is purely desired.
There is a team that can do today what others can only copy tomorrow. Here too, the reference to the SolidRules team isn't random at all.

More by Alexide

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