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We are looking for Fullstack Developer

We are looking for Fullstack Developer

It is a "particular" moment but soon you will be back to run and you have to be in optimal conditions.
We focus on team play and want to bring in new developers for the #SolidRules team right away.
We have computer engineers, biomedicals, physicists, graphic designers but we need other full stack developers, front end developers, back end developers,…, basically developers!
We are looking for #engineers #informatics with a master's or three-year degree but if you think you have ambition and passion, don't limit yourself and contact us.
Do you want to know more about us? We do a lot of research, work with best in class tools and adopt the latest generation paradigms (C #, Python, Angular JS, ...) and adopt the Agile Programming philosophy.
We work as a team on an innovative product and propose solutions and projects for our customers through a practical and consultative approach.
We offer a great employment contract, a stimulating environment and our enthusiasm. You only have to put your passion into it.
The workplace is in Cesena, in the heart of the Romagna IT District. You only have to put your passion into it.
Send your Curriculum Vitae to info@alexide.com because maybe we are looking for you.

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