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Manuals without effort

SolidRules allows you to create manuals through guided paths thus avoiding errors and reducing time and cost of implementation.

You can choose the characteristics, parameters and options for the specific product model for which you are producing the manual.

You can check the feasibility, compliance, and translations before you start making the manual.

Manuals without effort

Guide in your path

The creation of all the manuals is done through guided paths taking all the necessary elements and assembling them to give as a result a complete, punctual and professional manual.

You don’t even have to waste time writing the same document in different languages because the configuration is done by answering questions in the language of your choice while the final document can be produced in the customer’s language.

The system allows you to identify in advance which "bricks" you have to translate or send to translate. Your "translators" can work directly on the portal to complete what is missing.

Guide in your path

Manuals for everything…

You may need to produce a manual for a machine, plant or accessory.

For SolidRules, it’s all about realizing what you ask, and it does that in the blink of an eye.

And if, in addition to the PDF manual, you decide to ask him for the HTML product sheet to put on your website... he will still be able to answer this request.

Manuals for everything…

…and for everyone

You have the possibility to create a user manual for the end user, a manual for assembly instructions or a manual for maintainers.

You can make all these manuals as separate documents or enclose them in one complete product manual.

…and for everyone

The rule you choose

During the production of the manual, you can decide which rules to use to choose the right "bricks".

You can choose whether to use only certified documents, only documents in the latest revision, only documents in the customer’s language, etc.

The rule you choose

Simplicity and immediacy that you find

The web interface is extremely effective and it is easy to select the choices and information needed to automatically obtain the desired manual.

The documentation produced can then be shared with employees and customers in an instant on any device.

Simplicity and immediacy that you find

Who is made for

Designed for those who want to avoid errors in the production of Manuals of any type, Catalogues of Use and Maintenance, Product Sheets and others.

It is the proposal for those who want to continue to produce their documents directly on Word but using a "less anarchic" and more effective approach and above all produce it independently reducing time and cost.

  • Standardize and speed up the production of all manuals
  • Produce user manuals, maintenance, installation
  • Use guided routes to reduce the risk of errors
  • Produce documents in different languages
  • Applying the revision rule to documents
  • If you want to produce the manual using InDesign or directly in HTML format you can always count on SolidRules.


The integration with SolidRules Desk is obviously complete. The ability to draw information from data from the Technical Office (images, bills, cycles, PDFs, ...) rather than from Production is one of the big pluses of SolidRules that makes it become a PIM tool almost unknowingly.

In addition, you will retain the flexibility of your daily tools like Microsoft Office Word. If you need something more professional there is the Adobe InDesign integration to support you.


For the present images we want to say thank you to the company Iron's Technology that for the firts tried this technology.
We want also to mention Immagina that provided us with some "tips" on product tuning.

Any question? We are here for you.

Fill out the form or send us an email to info@solidrules.com. We will contact you to provide you all the solutions.

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